#springboot 中应用缓存(二)


##Spring Boot默认的ConcurrentMapCacheManager

  1. 添加缓存
  2. application中开启**@EnableCaching**标注
  3. 创建service层
    public class CacheDemoService {
        @CachePut(value = "test", key = "#key")//将返回的数据写入缓存 
        public String getMessage(String msg, String key) {
            System.out.println("CachePut the message, key : " + key);
            return msg;
        @Cacheable(value = "test", key = "#key")    //第一次执行方法缓存,第二次若参数相同时则不会触发方法,而是从缓存中直接返回数据
        public String getDemo(String key) {
            String msg = "hello world cache";
            System.out.println("Cacheable the message, key : " + key);
            return msg;
        @CacheEvict(value = "test", key = "#key")
        public void deleteCache(String key) {
            System.out.println("delete the cache key : " + key);



Springboot 会自动配置EhCacheManager的Bean


